Claude Kakule Siriwayo,aa has just finished his Licentiate Studies in Canon Law at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. These are the acknowledgements from his Licentiate thesis in Canon Law.
I would like to thank very much all those who assisted me in one way or another in the writing of this thesis. In the first place, I thank the Almighty God for His constant love and care for me. I know that without His assistance I would not have achieved what I intended to do.
I heartily appreciate and thank my superiors in the entire Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption, and especially the provincial Superior Rev. Fr. Vincent KAMBERE KAGHANIRYO and his provincial council, the Assistant Provincial Superior and local Superior of Emmanuel House community in Nairobi Rev. Fr. Roger KASEREKA SYAYIPUMA, the regional Superior of East Africa Rev. Fr. Protais KABILA KALONDO and his regional council, for making it possible for me to pursue Licentiate studies in canon law.
To my supervisors Rev. Dr. Fabien LONEMA and Rev. Dr. Dieudonné NGONA (DRCongo), I owe much for their immediate, constant, committed, meticulous and judicious guidance throughout the writing of this thesis. This work has come to its completion thanks to them.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to all my lecturers in the Institute of canon law at the Catholic University of East Africa [CUEA]: Rev. Dr. Martin OWOR (Uganda), Rev. Dr. Daniel NGURE (Kenya), Rev. Dr. Emmanuel JADA (South Sudan), Rev. Dr. Noelina NAKATO (Sr.)[ Uganda), Rev. Dr. Pius MALE (Uganda) and Rev. Dr. Raphael OBETIA (Uganda).
I also sincerely thank all my fellow canon law students, Fathers Joseph WARATHO (Kenya), Damien ERIPON (Kenya), John MAKOLA (Zambia), and Sister Edith TUMWESIGYE (Uganda) for the mutual support and enrichment.
I acknowledge the special contribution of Fathers KOMBI NGWESE and KAKULE MUSABINGO for providing me sufficient information about the Augustinians of the Assumption in the Province of Africa. My sincere thanks go also to all my Brothers and Sisters in the big Family of the Assumption and especially those in Emmanuel House community in Nairobi for assisting me in correcting the thesis and in providing resourceful information for its betterment. The same gratitude goes to Remmy KAMBOLE, Missionary of Africa from Zambia. He proofread this thesis.and made many valuable suggestions for improving it.
May God bless you all.
For More Information About Claude Siriwayo`s writings on Canon Law, Theology, Literature and Muscic, you can visit the following Webpages:
For More Information About Claude Siriwayo`s writings on Canon Law, Theology, Literature and Muscic, you can visit the following Webpages: