Wednesday, 29 May 2013


“Then they asked him, “teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen” (Luke 21:7)
Yes, it’s almost done and holiday is starting (likizo inanukianukia, as the Waswahili could say). And the question of the famous “Mouture” is on the lips of those expecting new appointments.
For those who are familiar with the Assumptionist religious life, they know those events which announce the end of the community year.
From 15th to 17th of May our three confreres who were in third year at Hekima College (Waweru Wilson, Willy Sekeraviti and Jean-Marie Mutuliraro) were facing panels of their lecturers for the oral comprehensive exam. In the evening of the 17th, the community organised a social for celebrating the end of the academic year and, especially, the three confreres who have completed their theological studies at Hekima College.

Fr Kizito (sup), Bros Jean-Marie, Wilson and Willy

And since Sunday evening, all the Assumptionist religious in the Region, except few, are in the garage at Emmanuel House/Nairobi-Kenya, being revised and repaired by the Lord in order to get new strength for the coming year and the new mission for the ART (coming of God’s kingdom). This annual retreat which is pivoting on the them of Call, is preached by Fr Foro Emmanuel.

Fr Foro Emm, preacher of the retreat

The Regional was also blessed by the visit of two provincial superiors: Fr Benoit Gschwind (France) and Fr Protais Kabila (Africa). Emmanuel House were also happy to welcome Sr Catherine, Oblate of the Assumption, from Rwanda who has come for English classes for one month.

Frs Simon (Reg), Benoit (Prov), Protais (Prov)

Bro Alexis, Willy and Sr Catherine,oa

Friday, 22 February 2013


Fr. Richard BRUNELLE, Assumptionist, was born in the state of Maine, northeast United States and completed his primary education in bilingual (English-French) parochial schools, did secondary education at Assumption Prep School in Worcester, Massachusetts, and got degrees in philosophy and theology at Saint Thomas University in Rome. He was ordained in 1963 and did pastoral work at the Assumptionist’s Sacred Heart Shrine in Sherbrooke, Quebec and then taught mathematics and computer science for 18 years at Assumption College, the Assumptionist university in Worcester, Massachussetts. In 1988, he came to Nairobi, Kenya as part of a team to found a new mission in East Africa. [Unfortunately he will not be present when we celebrate solemnly the silver jubilee of the Mission at the end of this year]. In Kenya and Tanzania, he was in charge of formation and also taught in various seminaries and the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. He was the First Regional Superior of the new created region of East Africa before he was called to be novice master in the Philipines. Fr. Richard arrived in Manila on July 18, 2008 to take up his new responsibility as Novice Master for the Philippine Assumptionists. In July 2012, he ended his missionnary work in the Philipine because of physical weakness. On his way to the US, he visited kenya and Tanzania to say by to the people, friends he served for 20 years.
He was still strong when he passed on. We are told that on Wednesday, 21th february 2013, he was going for a 5pm mass a bit earlier around 4.30pm. When he wanted to open the door of the Chapel, he couldn't because of some pain. People came to his help, rushing him to the hospital, the doctor realised that he had a brain bleeding and that it was serious. He passed on around 9pm.

May his soul rest in peace and may God bless and make fruitful what he has planted on missionary lands.

Fr Brunelle in Arusha
Fr Brunelle in Nairobi

Fr Brunelle during final profession

Blessing of Emmanuel House/Nairobi

Blessing of Emmanuel house/Nairobi
Mass of Blessing of the house
Fr Richard opens his Christmass  gift

Vows celebration

Brunelle with two late Bishops of Butembo-Beni/DRC

                                            Fr ACHILLE MUSABINGO, aa

Thursday, 3 January 2013

FINAL PROFESSION: "Yes, this is what I want"

Participants of the Regional Assembly 2012

The last week of the year 2012 was very busy for the Augustinians of the Assomption of East Africa Region. On the 27 and 28 December, around 33 religious from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya came togeher to discuss their life and mission for the next two years. The discussions were centered on four majour points which are at the same time real challenges for the Region: self-reliance, parishes and new foundations, formation and accompagnment, lay assumptionnists. We pray that all what have been discussed may bear fruit that will extend the Kingdom of God in this Region and the congregation at large.

 On suturday 29 december, we were very happy and feel encouraged as three brothers (Ignace Matongwa, John Kiarie and Alexis Valyamugheni) accepted to be
full-fledged members of the Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption. "Yes, this is what they wanted from the beginning and that is what all of us want: to have people who are ready and willing to live in apostolic community and, in the spirit of Saint Augustine, to receive their brothers as gifts from God, to abide in deep solidarity with all their brothers in the congregation, and indeed by the power of Christ, with all their brothers and sisters in the Church.
Yes, we want to see many other people ready and willing, faithful to Father d`Alzon and to the orientation of the Church, out of love for Jesus Christ, to work for the coming of the Kingdom of God and of man; who are willing to embrace the great causes of God and of Man, who are prepared to go wherever God is threatened in man and man threatened as image of God.
The Mass was presided over by Fr Simon Njuguna, Regional Superior, accompanied by many other priests, religious, brothers and sisters, as well as friends and relative. 

May God grant them His grace and may He complete in them what He has begun through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Lay assumptionists

Signing of the vows

From left to right: Bro John, Alexis, Ignas