Wednesday, 29 May 2013


“Then they asked him, “teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen” (Luke 21:7)
Yes, it’s almost done and holiday is starting (likizo inanukianukia, as the Waswahili could say). And the question of the famous “Mouture” is on the lips of those expecting new appointments.
For those who are familiar with the Assumptionist religious life, they know those events which announce the end of the community year.
From 15th to 17th of May our three confreres who were in third year at Hekima College (Waweru Wilson, Willy Sekeraviti and Jean-Marie Mutuliraro) were facing panels of their lecturers for the oral comprehensive exam. In the evening of the 17th, the community organised a social for celebrating the end of the academic year and, especially, the three confreres who have completed their theological studies at Hekima College.

Fr Kizito (sup), Bros Jean-Marie, Wilson and Willy

And since Sunday evening, all the Assumptionist religious in the Region, except few, are in the garage at Emmanuel House/Nairobi-Kenya, being revised and repaired by the Lord in order to get new strength for the coming year and the new mission for the ART (coming of God’s kingdom). This annual retreat which is pivoting on the them of Call, is preached by Fr Foro Emmanuel.

Fr Foro Emm, preacher of the retreat

The Regional was also blessed by the visit of two provincial superiors: Fr Benoit Gschwind (France) and Fr Protais Kabila (Africa). Emmanuel House were also happy to welcome Sr Catherine, Oblate of the Assumption, from Rwanda who has come for English classes for one month.

Frs Simon (Reg), Benoit (Prov), Protais (Prov)

Bro Alexis, Willy and Sr Catherine,oa