Saturday, 18 August 2012


Last day Sitone talk to us
Last day we could talk together
Last day we talked
Before the repatrition of the body of the late Fr Matthieu, the assumptionists in Nairobi, other priests from the Diocèse of Butembo-Beni leaving in Nairobi, sisters, friends from Njiru parish, Kyaghanda Nairobi were united as one body for the success of the process of the repatriation of the body of the late Sitone in Butembo. Thursday morning, people came together at Mater Hospital for Eucharistic celebration to pray for the rest of the soul of Sitone. The mass stated at around 11:30am presided over by Fr Kombi Ngwesse Floriber, aa at the hospital Chapel. In his homélie, Fr Kombi called us to take the death of Fr Sitone as a reminder that what we have to do for the Kingdom of God must be done on time and when it is needed. Here he was making allusion to the short period Fr Sitine has lived after bing awarded his PhD degree in Church History about 6 years ago. Bellow, late the pictures talk more.
Priests on Thursday's mass

Friends on Thursday's mass

After mass, from the Chapel
-Born on 4th april 1958 at Tanda/ Musienene (DRC)
-1971-1977: studies at Musienene Minor seminary
-1977-1978: Student at Kambale High school
-1978-4981:Philosophy at Morhesa (Bukavu)
-16 september 1982: 1st profession.
-1983-1985:Theology at Bunia, living in Carmelites community.
-24/09/1985:Final Profession
-19/12/1985:called to diaconate ordination
-23/08/1986:priestly ordination at Kitatumba
-1987-1991:Pastoral activities at Mbau/Oicha parish
-1991-193:Masters in Church History at CUEA (Nairobi/Kenya)
-1999-2002: Cophaco and parish priest at UCG/Butembo
-2003-2006: PhD in Church History in Lyon/France. Thesis:"Naissance et Croissance d'une Eglise Locale (1896/97-1996). Le Cas
du diocèse de Butembo-Beni au Congo-Kinshasa (RDC). Université Lumière Lyon-2, 2006."
2008-2012: Kinshasa-Ngaliema II: Lecturer of Church History.
-15/08/2012 at 16:45 (Nairobi time): Death at Mater Hospital (Kenya)
-18/08/2012:Burial at Mahamba/Butembo (DRC).
        This Biographie was compiled by Fr Kombi Ngwesse Floribert
After mass in a waiting romm of the mortuary

Mini Chapel of the mortuary

Fr Melchioor and Bro Ignatius starting the journey with the body
Fr Matthew, aa

By Fr Achille Musabingo, aa


  1. Bye Father. One day we will meet. Pray for us

    1. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen (Lay Assumptionists - Njiru / Langata Parishes
