"Like Father d'Alzon, a man of daith, we recognize the need for pryaer. Prayer opens us for God's action. It is the constantly renewed source of our apostolic action"(
Rule of Life, 44)
It is like dream, but we are in mid-term since we started our community and academic year. Lest Saturday, 6th october, theologian students and lecturers of Hekima College, started their one week mid-term break. This break coincided with another break in our community. Our montly recollection (every fisrt weekend ), a time of stopping and fuelling our spirituel vehicle. This vehicle can't move without the involvement of each member of the community. That is why the moderator of this exercise called us to reflection on one roadblock of our vehicle:loneliness that keep us separated from others. I know many religious people focus only on its positive aspect which is SOLITUDE. In fact, the moderator, Fr Vaghese Malpan, reminded us that there are three various categories of loneliness: 'ALONENESS', LONELINESS' and 'SOLITUDE'.
Aloness refers to a simple spatial separation from other people and it is neutral in terms of feeling. e.g being alone in my room.
Solitude is the state of being alone, but being serene and peaceful in that state.This is recommanded for prayful heart.
Loneliness, on the other hand, is precisely a painful experience, the feeling that results when we are separated from others in such a way that we feel excluded, rejected, involuntarily cut off. In this sens, loneliness is more then a dark feeling that is accompanied by a sentiment of exlusion, rejection, discontent, restlessness, emptiness, frustration, incompleteness, insatiability and nostalgia.
From the above description most of us appear relectant to admit our loneliness and feel that loneliness can't be something that affect normal, healthy persone, especially religous who live in a community. But the experience shows that loneliness is universal and most deepest experince that we have. Have you ever experienced loniness? You may say no. But do you know that alienation, restlessness, Fantasy, Rootlessness and psychological depression are types and manifestations of loneliness?
The preacher revealed that loneliness is most dangerous when it is not recongnised, accepted, and worked through creatively.
How to deal with it?
-Bear it as best as you can
-Conversion (if derived from sin)
-Sharing of faith and in faith, in a community of life with God and others.
Continue your Meditation and understanding of loneliness with Ronald Rolheiser in his book
The restless Heart.
"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."
(St Augustine)
By Fr Achille Musabingo, aa